As you can tell, tonight was very eventful. We attended the National Association of Black Journalists Witness to History Gala held at a multiple story brownstone that is the headquarters for the
National Visionary Leadership Project.
The Project was co-founded by Camille Cosby, Ed.D. Renee Pouissant in order to capture the stories from the older generation and pass them down to younger generations. You can find out more at their website.
The event was also an opportunity to purchase Gwen Ifill's new book, T
he Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. Gwen is a senior correspondent for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. She autographed copies and was gracious enough to take photos. When we arrived and we were standing in line to hang up our coats, I saw Lorraine Toussaint and having watched and really loved the show Any Day Now, I knew exactly who she was. I spoke to her and got a quick picture. She let me know that she is now on the show Saving Grace. I apologized for not watching it and informed her that since I have a daughter, I can tell her everything about Dora the Explorer. She laughed and said that she has a four year old so she could do the same.
From there we headed up a beautiful, yet treacherous winding staircase. Treacherous because I had on long flowing pants. Anyway, when I got to the top of the steps and investigating the second floor a bit, I walked into Bernard Shaw. He, his wife, her girlfriend were really cool. Then, I was getting on the elevator to head to the fourth floor to purchase a book when I ran into Carole Simpson. Simpson is the former weekend anchor for the ABC Nightly News. After that, we went back downstairs and sat down and that's when Glynn Thurman popped up. The next thing I knew Lorraine and her wonderful cousin who moved to DC after living in Africa for 18 years sat down next to us. Mind you, that happened because we were not star struck or rude. We had a human conversation and it was wonderful.
Anyway, I have to end soon in order to get up in the morning. I just wanted to touch base since I'm at a desktop. On the way home, we stopped at the store to get some snacks for our long day. My clothing plan is to wear my long johns, my skinny jeans, my big jeans on top, a tank top, a turtle neck, a sweater, my normal winter coat and then possibly put my long dress coat on top. Of course, I have a hat, gloves and a scarf. We tried to get the packs of warmers that you put in your gloves but they were sold out.
No tickets to the inauguration yet. No problem. I'm just grateful to be here. Thanks for all of your messages of support. After the inauguration, I have to drive Louise aka Jasmine to the airport so she can make it back to Nashville in time for a business presentation at 10am. Yes, that means I'll be driving back on Wednesday eleven hours solo. Fortunately, I'm never alone. Don't panic. I'll be just fine. Everything happens for a reason.
I didn't decide to come to DC until Friday and in that one day everything was covered. And everything has worked out just the way it should ever since I've been in DC. Don't push it, don't force it, let life happen naturally. I guess I'll go to sleep to be prepared for what tomorrow may bring.
I'll have more from my iPhone if I have reception.